
German Expressionists

Contributor :

Roxanne Sexauer

Action Plan

While in Vienna, I will go to the Leopold Museum to examine the works of artist Egon Schiele, & the architecture of the Secession Building by Joseph Olbrich, along with the Hundertwasserhaus, designed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser. As I will be arriving earlier than the group in Berlin, & staying later in Budapest, I will be able to devote time in each city to researching & going to the best galleries to view prints & drawings.

Pre-Departure Preparation

Preparation During Travel

I have read the following GEEO recommended books about the various countries to be visited prior to departure: "The Reader," Bernhard Schlink; "The Unbearable Lightness of Being," Milan Kundera; & "Night" by Elie Wiesel. I am currently reading "Survival in Auschwitz," Primo Levi & "The Weekend," by Berhard Schlink, & have purchased "The Zookeeper's Wife," by Diane Ackerman, along with "The Book of Laughter & Forgetting," by Milan Kundera, which I hope to finish prior to travel. I have loaded my Netflix queue with films about each of the countries I will be visiting to watch prior to departure. I am of both German & Czech heritage, so visiting these countries will be historically important to my own artistic oeuvre.