
Where Children Sleep Unit

Contributor :

Jennifer Schenk Rosser

Action Plan

I will speak with native peoples throughout the trip using the prepared questions I have brought with me. I will ask to take pictures of the bedrooms in my homestay to share with my students.

Pre-Departure Preparation

One of the social studies units that I focus on in the school year is "Where Children Sleep", so my students have increased global awareness and a better understanding of the difference between wants and needs. We currently use James Mollison's collection of photography to help students develop this awareness, but I plan to enrich this with photos from my Peru trip, specifically the homestay portion. Together we will explore the wants/needs of the children who live in Peru, with me gathering anecdotes and experiences from the native peoples that I will meet along the way.

Preparation During Travel

I will need to gather specific questions that I would like the native children and their parents to answer in order to have information to share with my students.