
Contributor :

Audrey Gagnaire

Action Plan

I will take photos and videos, use a map to trace my itinerary, visit local museums, shops, and study the architecture. I will be open to try new things in order to add to my experience (dance…) and the experience of my students.

Pre-Departure Preparation

I am planning to share my experience with the students through different media (videos, photos, possibly other items I will get there), and have them do more research on these places and their cultures which they will present during our whole-school "Tour du Monde" (World Tour where each class presents a country or region of their choice to the rest of the school). I'd also like to include some art piece and have students make their own creations inspired by the art they will have seen from my trip. Lastly, we may do an interview/documentary, having the students interview me, and make an imovie incorporating their video, and some of my photos, using maps and other tools they may need to make this project complete.

Preparation During Travel

I will research the geography of the region, the different local arts, and the culture.