
Ancient Medicine of the Andes/Amazon Region

Contributor :

Mary Bradshaw

Action Plan

During the trip: Interview a Shaman; purchase samples of plant based medicine for common ailments; Collect written materials that describe the collective knowledge and the selection and training of Shamans. Photograph medical facilities/shops and healing rituals. If possible, observe Shamans diagnostic process.

Pre-Departure Preparation

I will develop a cross curricular unit entitled: Ancient Medicine in a Modern World *STEM lesson topics: Medicinal plants of the Amazon; plant composition & healing properties; identification and processing of medicinal plants. *Social Sciences: Amazonian Shamanic healers; songs of the plants; Intersection between traditional Amazonian healing and the scientific community.

Preparation During Travel

Prior to departure: I will explore alternative medical practice in the USA such as holistic medicine, complementary medicine and integrative medicine.