
Contributor :

Lorin Mannella

Action Plan

I will take numerous photos of places we visit and try to collect many pamphlets which provide information and descriptions of the various sites. I will also keep a notebook with notes and references to the sites to help me remember where we visited, and my reaction to each place.

Pre-Departure Preparation

I plan on asking my 3rd grade class to create a travel brochure for Costa Rica, which includes a map of the itinerary of our trip and information and photos of places we visited. I'll explain what travel brochures are, and show examples from other countries. I'll describe and show a slide show of the trip. Then I'll give them a blank map of Costa Rica and have them outline our route. I'll give them pictures and short descriptions of places we stopped. They'll write a paragraph convincing people that Costa Rica is a fun place to visit. They'll select 5 or 6 pictures and write captions, reference the places on the map, and attach it all as a brochure. We can either hang them on school bulletin boards, or my students can do individual presentations to students from other classes.

Preparation During Travel

I'll look for travel brochures of Costa Rica and other countries and will browse a travel book of Costa Rica (like Lonely Planet) and become familiar with the various sites we will be visiting.