
Neighboring Country Relations and Social Justice

Contributor :

Sarah Kinder

Action Plan

I will talk to a friend of mine in Buenos Aires about social justice in Argentina. I’ve read a few articles and one by Forbes on this book: The Impact of Globalization on Argentina and Chile. Trying to get a better feel for the history between the two countries. While I am there, I’ll have a set of questions to explore and keep a journal both written and photo.

Pre-Departure Preparation

For my 2nd graders, I want to do a geography and culture lesson. I will teach about the long border between Chile and Argentina and some of the conflicts and resolutions that have been achieved over share resources and shared geography. I want to learn more about both countries so I can differentiate them to students. For high school freshmen, I teach a social justice class. I'd like to learn more about movements around social justice issues and/or leaders in both countries. This could be past or current issues of importance in Chile and Argentina.

Preparation During Travel

I will research all of the above so that I have some ideas and can further my understanding while I'm there.