Contributor :

Linda Simon

Action Plan

Take tons of photos (a given!) and collect cultural artifacts, information and souvenirs. Speak with locals when possible to learn about their daily life and customs.

Pre-Departure Preparation

I teach at two large, extremely diverse elementary schools in the suburbs of Washington, DC. We have students from all over the world. Since I work with all students, K-6, there are several ways that I plan to apply my GEEO experience to my classrooms. I would like to share photos and souvenirs from the trips to help students gain a better understanding of other cultures, and to help validate students from those countries, especially those relatively new to the United States who are still learning English. I also hope to use some of the folktales and fables from these countries with my students when we do a unit on Aesop's Fables, as well as support my 5th graders with their county-wide Global Awareness Technology Project. Finally, both my schools have annual International Nights, so I would love to use photos and souvenirs to contribute to the displays for these countries.

Preparation During Travel

I plan to read as much as I can about the history and culture of each of the countries we visit.