
Contributor :

Tim Flanagan

Action Plan

Learn as much as possible about the geography, culture and people of India and Nepal. I will start a blog before my trip and maintain it throughout my travels. The blog will have photos and reflections about my experiences which can then be shared with my students. I will also take many pictures to create presentations for students.

Pre-Departure Preparation

I teach seventh grade language arts, but next year will have one section of social studies. I plan on creating an interdisciplinary unit based on my experiences in India and Nepal. My students will read multicultural literature and nonfiction from this region of the world. We will study the geography of the region and how it has influenced the history and culture of the people there. I will try to create connections between my classroom and schools in India and/or Nepal through Skype, blogging, iEARN, or other online methods. I will share all of my work with my colleagues and publish it on my website (http://timothy-flanagan.com/) for other teachers to use.

Preparation During Travel

I have contacted an organization in Kathmandu that will be able to introduce me to a local school there. I am researching multicultural literature with connections to India and Nepal so that I can place orders for my classroom. I will review the new social studies curriculum to see where I can make connections.