
“I Will Not” Poem

Contributor :

Linda Ericksen

Action Plan

I will take my own photos

Pre-Departure Preparation

I will require that the students in ENG100 read the poem "I Will Not" by Palestinian writer Naila Farouky, which was a cry from the heart for maintaining humanity, even in the face of pain, rage, and sorrow caused by violence that erupted between Israelis and Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Students should be inspired by this small-but-mighty book, which is illustrated by an Israeli artist and is now published in English, Arabic and Hebrew. After class discussion of the poem and a synopsis of the current situation in Israel which will include showing my photos of the area, the students will be required to write a poem of their own on the topic of peace and/or violence in today's world. I will use these poems to stimulate further discussion.

Preparation During Travel
