
Holidays and Traditions

Contributor :

Stefanie Menoff

Action Plan

I will discuss holidays and traditions with the locals. If we are able to complete I school visit I will also discuss with the students how they celebrate holidays and what kind of traditions their families follow. I will take many pictures of the traditional dress, food, and celebrations in China to share with my class.

Pre-Departure Preparation

I am a kindergarten teacher and I would like to teach my students about the different holidays and traditions they celebrate in China. One of the kindergarten common core standards involves comparing holidays and traditions in the United States to those of other countries. My students have showed a deep interest in learning about other countries and continents and Asia is usually the one they have the most questions about. I plan on creating a multicultural week for my kindergarten class with China being the focus of one of the days.

Preparation During Travel

I will research the different holidays China observes. I will also research different traditions and customs typically seen in China.