Contributor :

Katie Le Sesne

Action Plan

I will need to seek out recordings while I am abroad, seeing a concert or hearing music live would be ideal. Considering the short amount of time, I’m not sure what I can find, but recordings or written out tunes are also great because I can bring them home with me.

Pre-Departure Preparation

As an Orchestra teacher, I am interested in seeking out music wherever I go. I will spend a class period sharing my experiences while teaching an Icelandic fiddle tune. This will be done through showing a video of my travels, that includes the music that I encounter. We will then learn a fiddle tune from Iceland by rote. I post a video every Friday, for my students, of myself playing a fiddle tune (alone or with others). As a part of this lesson, students will join for one of these Fiddle Friday Recordings. I may need to teach different fiddle tunes based on the ability of my students.

Preparation During Travel

I will need to research fiddle tunes from Iceland, I know they exist because I have learned a couple of them.