
Current Events and History Through the Perspective of Qatar

Contributor :

Joel Hinrichs

Action Plan

During the trip I must pay attention to news so I ask relevant questions to the business and cultural leaders we are meeting with. I also must seek to meet talk to as many people as possible so I can learn about their worldviews.

Pre-Departure Preparation

By learning more about the history of this country, from a small British colony to a country that has become a major player in the region. The more I learn about Qatar, the more I will be able to explore the perspective of its people in my class. When I teach about the Iranian nuclear deal, the diplomatic crisis between Qatar and Saudi Arabia, or the various perspectives of the Syrian Civil War, I will be able to show my students a different perspective.

Preparation During Travel

I need to continue read various news sources about what happening in Qatar and the region that is impacting it. I also want to talk to people who experts on the subject and have contributed to news sources including Al-Jazeera in the past.