Edina Buzgon
Pictures of the country, the people, sights, etc. will be helpful. I will bring my own camera. I will collect flyers and brochures along the way.
I teach a few marketing classes. I am going to have students design flyers, brochures, and a PowerPoint to advertise a country to visit. Guidelines will be provided for each piece of the project. Students will be able to choose the country they are researching and will have to devise a budget for a week's stay in the country. They will have to talk about the culture, food, people, climate, monuments, location in the world, history, religions, government, currency, clothing, festivals, holidays, famous people, etc.
I would like to read more about the places we are going, the monuments, and the history behind the country. While in Greece, I will take pictures and collect flyers and brochures to help with the instruction of this project.