
Country Brochures

Contributor :

Edina Buzgon

Action Plan

Pictures of the country, the people, sights, etc. will be helpful. I will bring my own camera. I will collect flyers and brochures along the way.

Pre-Departure Preparation

I teach a few marketing classes. I am going to have students design flyers, brochures, and a PowerPoint to advertise a country to visit. Guidelines will be provided for each piece of the project. Students will be able to choose the country they are researching and will have to devise a budget for a week's stay in the country. They will have to talk about the culture, food, people, climate, monuments, location in the world, history, religions, government, currency, clothing, festivals, holidays, famous people, etc.

Preparation During Travel

I would like to read more about the places we are going, the monuments, and the history behind the country. While in Greece, I will take pictures and collect flyers and brochures to help with the instruction of this project.