
Contributor :

Elizabeth Harley

Action Plan

I will continuously be looking for the best photo opportunities to capture the aspects of Italian culture to share with my students. I will talk to locals as much as I can in order to learn more about daily life there.

Pre-Departure Preparation

Our first nine weeks social studies standards require students to compare various cultures across the world. They should be able to identify the different elements of community life, including typical jobs; the interdependence of family, school, and the community; and the common methods of transportation and communication. They also need to be able to compare the daily lives of families in America with those across the world. This includes roles of family members, typical food, clothing, and shelter. Using my experience through this program I will bring back photographs and souvenirs, along with personal stories to help bring the Italian culture to life in my classroom.

Preparation During Travel

I will research the typical food, clothing, and daily life of the cities I will be visiting in Italy so that I am ready to capture it for my students.