
STEM Based Activities

Contributor :

Danielle Andrews

Action Plan

I will gather information, knowledge and data while visiting areas, historical and religious sites. I will take several photos and videotape my experiences and design a presentation show to my 5th graders.

Pre-Departure Preparation

This year I will be teaching 5th grade Science, Social Studies and Language Arts at STEM Launch K8 in Thornton, Colorado. Therefore, I intend on incorporating this experience into Literature (1. Greek Mythology and apply reading standards to a range of text types/stories from a broad range of cultures and periods, 2. Read informational texts) and Social Studies (1. Government and market structures influence financial institutions, 2. Use of financial institutions to manage personal finances). Due to the fact that I am a teacher at STEM school, students will also engage in a PBL (Problem-Based Learning Activity) focusing on a solution to a Greek problem. Therefore, another one of my focuses is researching a current problem in Greece. (For example, bailout deal, financial crisis, bankruptcy)

Preparation During Travel

I will research and gather knowledge about the Greek history, myth, culture (art, music, food/cuisine, clothing), customs and traditions of the places I will be visiting in Greece.