
Contributor :

Cathy D Garcia

Action Plan

I will observe the attitudes of people in Iceland and how they practice peace. I will observe how people practice safety too. Also, I will take pictures and notes of our tour in order to develop a learning running trail that will involve learning on the trail about the geography and science behind the geography like volcanoes, glaciers, waterfalls, and geysers.

Pre-Departure Preparation

Start a running club- Cook Ring of Runners... Running and hiking trails are popular in Iceland I found out. I am excited about launching this club to fight obesity, diabetes, to help develop healthy lifestyle habits, develop focus and goals, to develop a positive attitude, and to develop a peaceful community of runners. I hope to invite parents and the Austin FC Soccer Team to our school for fun runs. Finally, I hope to develop young leaders & coaches along with runners that are inspired with hope and to never give up.

Preparation During Travel

Research activities that lead build sportsmanship that lead to building a peaceful team (i.e. SEL activities (cooperation, trust, self-care, friendships/relationships, honesty, integrity, and authenticity), yoga, mindfulness, visualization, and developing a positive mindset) Iceland has been ranked as one of the most peaceful countries in the world for 13 years according to the Global Peace Index by the Institute of Peace and Economics.