
Compare and Contrast NZ with USA

Contributor :

Amy Brewer

Action Plan

While on the trip, I hope to learn about the culture and find anything I can bring back to the students to make the lesson more hands-on. I will also keep up-to-date on a travel blog for students to access so they can see more about Maori culture in New Zealand.

Pre-Departure Preparation

I primarily teach writing. I will create an integrated lesson with the social studies teacher based on the existing Native American culture and history unit and incorporating the similarities and differences of the Maori culture and legacy. In my class, we will research and write a compare/contrast essay on how United States and New Zealand each handled having English immigrants and an existing native culture. Other lessons will focus research on diversity, social justice, and sustainability.

Preparation During Travel

I will read several books about Maori culture and history for background knowledge. I will get the travel blog set up using Wix.