
Argentina/Uruguay/Brazil | English

Contributor: Laurel Tanza

Lesson Plan:

In groups students will design a tourist brochure/power point for Argentina, Brazil, or Uruguay. In their brochure/power point they will include information such as tourist attractions, local currency, languages spoken, cuisine, methods of transportation, music, and cultural activities, dances, etc. After creating their brochures/power points students will present the information to other classes to try and get students to come and “visit” their country.

Pre-Departure Preparation:

I will need to do research on different types of music from each country I am visiting, and find out what cultural activities each country has to offer. I will also need to learn what typical dishes are so that I can eat them, and learn how they are prepared.

Preparation During Travel

I will talk to locals and learn vocabulary that is specific to that region in relation to food, events, and communication. I will attend a dance show, learn how to cook or prepare a meal. I will take pictures of tourist attractions I visit during my trip. I will also take pictures of the methods of local transportation, dances. I will also buy CDs of music from each country so I may share it with my class. I will bring back currency from each country to share with my students.